Mobile Web Guidelines
June 27, 2006

With input from big players such as Google, Microsoft, Nokia, AOL, AT&T, Ericsson, GoDaddy, and Vodafone the W3C have defined a set of basic guidelines for developing mobile Web content.
Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0, consists of instructions on how to avoid technical issues when viewing web content from mobile devices.
The guidelines also focus on how to prevent known problems such as pop-up windows, horizontal page scrolling and more. It is seen that these guides will aid content authors, web developers and web designers when planing to create websites that will also be available via mobile devices.
There is also a Wiki dedicated to the Mobile Web Best Practices, enabling people to actively respond and add valuable input.
Mobile Web Best Practices Wiki
Mobile Versions of XHTML
March 31, 2004

Is there really a need for a specific mark-up language for mobile devices? we have seen WML, XHTML Basic, and CHTML. However the latest offering is XHTML Mobile profile and WML2.
Little Spring Design specialise in design and usability UI specifically for mobile devices. Check out this site to keep up-to-date on the latest that is mobile UI.
4th Generation mobile phone
June 08, 2003

Move over 3G mobile networks here comes the all new 4G. The forth-generation of mobile phone ready to take the consumer by storm.
The lessons of 3G are learnt with 4G, bringing us the benefits of 3G and Wi-Fi together in a new faster service.
Read on here