W3C link checker
July 21, 2005

Here's a useful link from the w3c, use it to check the validity of your site links. It is also always useful to see if the sites that you link to are still alive and kicking.
It reminds me I really should write an automated script to check all of my links. But like I have the time.
Web developer toolbars
December 06, 2004

Back in Jan 2003 I blogged an entry about IE Booster, the only problem were all the adverts that went with it. In fact now it is called "Site Inspector" and even has a licence price.
That is why this tool needs a shout, it's a Web Accessibility Toolbar for Internet Explorer, and has some useful tools, like validate, resize and CSS manipulation. It is very similar in functionality to the Firefox toolbar for web developers.
w3c your page is not Valid
January 14, 2004

The w3c validator fails its own validation.
I decided to check the w3c validator page using the w3c validator check page itself. It failed the check for valid XHTML (Strict).
Im sure by the time you read this and check this link it will be ammended.
Check the w3c validator check page
More CSS tricks
September 25, 2003

Try out these rollovers, 3 column alignment and rounded corners all implemented using CSS.
CSS image rollovers
September 01, 2003

Petr Stanicek's innovative article 'Fast rollovers, no preload needed' demonstrates how we can speed up CSS image rollovers using one image instead of three separate images to define state (normal, hover, active / visited).
The principle uses the one image and positions it differently depending upon the state of the button. This actually speeds up the rollover and removes the requirement for preloading.
Float misbehaviour

Eric Meyer shows us how to stop our floats from misbehaving in this article called "Containing Floats".
The article explains how we can prevent float elements from floating outside their parent element.
Internet Explorer Margin Fix
July 11, 2003

In Internet Explorer 5.x and backwards-compatible-mode Internet Explorer 6 on Windows platforms, the automatic horizontal margins are not implemented correctly. Setting the various forms of automatic left and right margins has no effect on the desired element. This script will fix the bug in Internet Explorer without any modification to your HTML or CSS, making your pages display correctly. For more details, check out www.stilleye.com
Internet Explorer: Backwards-Compatible-Mode
When you switch on standards-compliant mode, the HTML element also becomes the positioning container for positioned elements that don't have a positioned parent. When standards-compliant mode is switched off, as with earlier versions of Internet Explorer, an absolutely positioned element is positioned relative to the BODY when there is no positioned parent. When standards-compliant mode is switched off, as with earlier versions of Internet Explorer, the BODY element represents the canvas.
Netscape 6 and IE 5.5 have their DOM Differences
July 10, 2003

IE and Netscape have always had their differences, however the latest incarnations have brought both browsers much closer since the 4.0 days.
So what are the differences between Netscape 6's Document Object Model (DOM) and Internet Explorer 5.x's DOM.
A good example is the difference in modeling of the root nodes of the DOM tree, document and documentElement objects. Netscape 6 also models the ownership relationship in a document, while Internet Explorer 5.x does not. Another advantage of Netscape 6's DOM is its ability to model fragment nodes, which Internet Explorer does not support.
Article continued here at webreference.com
CSS Filters
July 08, 2003

Use this table to discover if the user agent / browser can cope with the CSS rule, if it doesnt you could use it as a filter to tweak specific styles to certain browsers. (For example in the boxmodel hack).
CSS1 Test Suite
July 02, 2003

The CSS1 Test Suite is provided as a way for vendors and page authors to test their browser's conformance to the CSS1 specification.
Test suite can be found here.
CSS - Zen Garden
May 13, 2003

Zen Garden is simply a web page designed to demonstrate the use of CSS.
It is hoped that many people (graphic designers) will submit their own designs by only modifying the CSS. There seems to be only a few submissions as yet, and those are by the designer himself. Therefore I thought I’d mention the site here.
Why not download the CSS and start submitting your own designs!
Access Zen Garden here
CSS Browser Support
April 17, 2003

Netscape's developers site "DevEdge" has republished Eric Meyers' Mastergrid, a table showing a number of Web browsers and how well they support the Cascade Style Sheet standard. (However there is still no update to include the most important/recent browsers such as IE6, Mozilla and Netscape 7+, Opera 7+ and Safari.
View here