Php implementation of Struts
November 20, 2003

php.MVC implements the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, and encourages application design based on the Model 2 paradigm.
php.MVC is a PHP port of Jakarta Struts. I think this project is only at the beta stage at the moment but is worth tracking for future reference.
Struts, Tiles and JSF
October 01, 2003

Interesting article from the IBM developerworks website regarding Struts, Tiles and the all new Java Server Faces.
Dynamic creation of Struts Form Beans
July 15, 2003

Developers familiar with Struts will understand the laborious task of creating Form beans required for part of the View component of struts. However within Struts 1.1 there is the option to use "DynaBeans" these are dynamically configured Java Beans, that are configured from a external source (usually XML) rather than by explicit methods defined in the class.
Read the article by James M. Turner and learn how to use DynaBeans today.
Struts with XSLT and XML
July 10, 2003

Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid add an 'X' to the 'Model 2 / MVC' paradigm in this article from JavaWorld .
The article eXplains how we can, with a little tinkering, use XML/XSLT for the View in the Struts framework instead of using JSP.
Struts Explained

Struts is an open source web development framework that incorporates the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm. It builds on Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.
The model part within the Struts framework are the Java server objects, which represent the internal estate of the application. Enterprise Java Beans are commonly used here.
The view part of Struts is constructed via JavaServer Pages (JSP) which are a combination of static HTML/XML, Struts custom Tags and Java.
The Controller are servlets which take requests (GET/POST) from the client, perform actions on the model and subsequently update the view by forwarding to the appropriate JSP.
The Athens Group have produced an informative whitepaper called 'Using Struts' and is definately worth reading if you are new to Struts.
Find out more about Struts at the Jakarta Apache site and from the lead developer at
What's the difference between Struts 1.0 and 1.1?
April 03, 2003

To check out the differences of Struts 1.0.2 over 1.1 click here!
neteye°° actioncache
February 11, 2003

The neteye actioncache is an extension to the jakarta struts framework. It is intended for projects that use struts to display data provided by content management systems. With the neteye actioncache your actions (and views) that display the content are only invoked when the underlying data has changed. All you have to do is to write a little bit of code that tells the controller when the data was last modified. You can dramatically boost the performance of your website because time expensive operations like data retrieval, JSP processing or XSLT transformations are only performed once. But the most important feature is that not only whole pages can be cached, but also several fragments. If for example the navigation looks the same on all pages of a certain category the same cached snippet can be used.
Read the Tutorial
Features Include:-
- Caching of binary and character data
- Support for URL based session tracking
- Allows to use multiple actions on a single page
- LRU caching policy
- Persistence
- Support for Struts 1.0 and 1.1
- Works with Tiles (beta)