Struts Explained

Struts is an open source web development framework that incorporates the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm. It builds on Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.
The model part within the Struts framework are the Java server objects, which represent the internal estate of the application. Enterprise Java Beans are commonly used here.
The view part of Struts is constructed via JavaServer Pages (JSP) which are a combination of static HTML/XML, Struts custom Tags and Java.
The Controller are servlets which take requests (GET/POST) from the client, perform actions on the model and subsequently update the view by forwarding to the appropriate JSP.
The Athens Group have produced an informative whitepaper called 'Using Struts' and is definately worth reading if you are new to Struts.
Find out more about Struts at the Jakarta Apache site and from the lead developer at