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Open source Java projects

May 19

There are countless numbers of Open Source Java based web development frameworks but little exposure to real-world Open Source Java applications.

Java Open Source software is a Java based Wiki site that contains a whole catalogue of Java Open Source projects, it includes CMS applications to search engine software.

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Java and the Web

Jul 21

The following articles document a brief discussion on Internet technology and the facets that make up Server side and Client side programming. The articles are slightly dated however are still interesting reading for the beginner.

Articles include the following, Client/Server computing, Client-side programming, Java and ActiveX, Security, Server-Side Programming, and Comparing C++ and Java.

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Rich tags at OpenSymphony

Jul 20

One of the new beta developments at OpenSymphony includes a selection of JSP tags that create rich functional as well as good looking front-end components. It is hoped that this tag library will create a set of graphical widgets that can be embedded within web pages, somewhat similar to the GUI toolkit SWING.

This is a project I will be monitoring closely as it is similar to what I’ve been wanting to create for a while now. It will be interesting to see if the widgets created are cross browser compatible and XHTML standards compliant.

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Wake up from hibernation

Jul 15

Hibernate is a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate lets you develop persistent objects following common Java idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework. Extremely fine-grained, richly typed object models are possible. The Hibernate Query Language, designed as a "minimal" object-oriented extension to SQL, provides an elegant bridge between the object and relational worlds. Hibernate is now the most popular ORM solution for Java.

Here is a well documented walkthrough for anyone wishing to use Hibernate for the first time. There is also a quickstart guide at the hibernate website, and another at

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An Open source project for EAI

Jul 8


Proteus is a toolkit for message-based Enterprise Application Integration. It includes adapters for many different kinds of message sources and sinks, and a simple, but very capable message broker. The broker allows routing and transformation of messages from and to all the sources and sinks for which adapters exist. Transformations may be custom-written in Java or XSLT (the broker uses Xalan as its XSLT transformation engine).

Mappers can be used to map incoming messages onto other sorts of objects. These include DBMapper, which maps a message onto a JDBC prepared statement and TibcoMapper, which maps a message onto a Tibco message.

Check this open source project out here

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May 12

A Java implementation of the popular postnuke Content Management System is born.

The port of postnuke to the JBOSS framework was mainly due to the fact that the current PHP implementation is not quite up to scratch is some areas, for instance in scalability, execution time and data caching.

My only reservation is that the port is exactly that, therefore the View (html) is produced within the servlets via the old 'print' statements. This port could have been the ideal time to implement a MVC paradigm using either JSP/Struts or Velocity.

find out more about the project here

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Java Enterprise Best Practices

Apr 10 looks at excerpts from the O'Reilly book "Java Enterprise Best Practices".

Servlet Best Practices, Part 1
Servlets have dominated the recent server-side Java landscape and have become the standard way to interface Java to the Web. This chapter, the first of three book excerpts from Java Enterprise Best Practices, discusses effective servlet-based development and deployment.

Servlet Best Practices, Part 2
In part two of three in this series of book excerpts on servlet best practices from Java Enterprise Best Practices, learn about caching with servlets.

Servlet Best Practices, Part 3
In this final excerpt on servlets from Java Enterprise Best Practices, we present how to effectively send files for download. Getting it right across Web browsers takes a bit of work, but with this tip you'll have it right in no time.

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WebMacro, a HTML Parser for Servlets

Sep 10

WebMacro is an HTML template engine and back end servlet development framework. It's free software, and pure Java. WebMacro simplifies servlet development by separating programming work from page design: Page designers create HTML templates with WebMacro's powerful script language. Programmers work in clean Java code, free of HTML and other presentational clutter.

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Java to Javascript Communication

Aug 31

In this article we look at Netscape's LiveConnect which is used to allow JavaScript to Java and Java to JavaScript communication.

However in the light of Mozilla 1.0 it is also important to look at replacement technologies such as XPConnect.

Two other related articles from IBM and Sun are also worth a view, Revisiting Java technology on the client and How Java TO JavaScript
communication works in Java 'Plug-In'

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Open source Java projects
Java and the Web
Rich tags at OpenSymphony
Wake up from hibernation
An Open source project for EAI
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